Who says comfortable is boring? Here’s a touch of sass and style to add to your rotation!

Use of Affiliate Links on Hey KANB

What are affiliate links?

Oftentimes you’ll be reading a blog or post and you’ll come across product links, and they’ll take you product pages where you can purchase the products the blog was discussing.

If you were to click on one of these links and ended up purchasing something from this - there is a good chance the blogger that posted the link is going to make a small commission off the sale. This doesn’t raise the purchase price for you - it just rewards the blogger for bringing customers to the seller.

Bloggers and sites that use these affiliate links are required by law to disclose this to the reader.Basically, any time the blogger makes money for something they have to tell the reader.

HeyKANB will occasionally include affiliate links in our posts. Not all links within out posts are affiliate links. Some of them are supporting articles that allow you, the reader, to expand on your research.

Are you a blogger? Make sure you include a disclosure on your sight if you use affiliate links - and if you want to learn more about learning affiliate links, check out this post.

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